We could look at this two ways - When it is sunny and clear, the views are spectacular. When it is overcast with low hanging clouds, the glacier ice shows it beautiful colours. We enjoyed clouds and rain. As we sailed closer up the bay, the temperature kept dropping. Soon, small chunks of ice started to appear. Naturalists from the National Park Service were on board and made announcements every so often about what we were seeing. At one of the more spectacular sites, we decided to put on our NW Passage parkas and head outside. The first woman to see us commented, "Your parkas fit!" "No", we said. "If you notice, we cannot do up the zippers." It turns out that we were not the only ones having problems. Despite ordering the large size, neither of us could do up the zippers. We not only resemble but feel like stuffed sausages. Neither of us could imagine getting in and out of a zodiac in them. Apparently every woman on this part of the trip need a bigger size so more are being ordered. The only woman I saw with a parka that fit, was wearing her husband's size large and she was tiny! We are supposed to get our new larger sizes in Seward.
That night, we dined at Silk Road, the specialty Asian Restaurant, after indulging in a Apple Martini, a delicious drink that tastes like you are drinking an apple (with a kick). The food was delicious but my taste buds were a little blunted due to a cold I feel taking hold. We were joined by Scott who we had met before and who sat at an adjoining table. He retired from administration at the 40000 strong student bodied University of Arizona. He travels much of the year by himself. It made for a delightful evening.
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