Friday, 12 August 2016



We were up at 5:00 to join our early morning shore excursion that entailed a ferry ride to Haines, Alaska through the scenic Lynn Canal, a 2400 foot deep fjiord.  The clouds were low hanging but we saw lots of waterfalls caused by glacier melt. This fresh water mixes with the sea water to create a lovely emerald colour. The small town of Haines is connected by a two-lane road to Dawson City, Canada. We took this road for 24 miles to the dock to begin our river cruise up the many tributaries of the Chilkut River which is very shallow. We saw several Trumpeter Swans, one with a cygnet. There were not many other birds though we did see common mergansers, wigeon, and belted kingfishers. The other boat did spot a moose but it was deep in the trees. This was a disappointment as we had hoped to see not only moose but some brown bears.  Back at the dock, I saw three mountain goats through a scope that had been set up.  Norma managed to see one before they disappeared into the clouds.
We were deep in the wilderness according to our boat guide who insisted on relating the story of his life throughout the trip. He did quieten down at one point and turned off the engines so we could experience the quiet. Unfortunately, two very precocious young boys, who we met on the boat yesterday, chatted away incessantly in their high pitched penetrating voices encouraged by our captain and so we missed the feeling of being in the wilderness.  I should mention that back at the dock one of the employees trained a scope at a hill side where there were three mountain goats.  I got a glimpse of them but Norma only saw one when the clouds descended to obscure her view.
Back at the ship, we reported our lack of hot water to reception and tried to make arrangements to have the Nordic walking poles available to us for 6:30 in the morning. We both really like using them and find that our posture is improved while walking with them.
Tomorrow is a sea day spent cruising Glacier Bay National Park so the scenery should be grand that is, if the clouds lift. The day will be full of activities - Trivial Pursuit, Art Class, maybe even some dancing! We'll see.

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